Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District
Sisters, Oregon

In the heart of Central Oregon, within the tri-cities of Bend, Redmond, and Sisters, the Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District covers 50 square miles of farm, ranch, and housing developments, with approximately 2,000 single family dwellings dotting the landscape while serving a population of approximately 4,000 full time residents from two fire stations. The Cloverdale Fire District is a combination department with most of the staff being volunteers.
Resident Student Process
Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District chooses resident students through the Joint Recruitment process. The process is administered by Central Oregon Community College on behalf of the Central Oregon fire agencies.
Resident students selected by Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District will participate in a recruit academy that teaches basic components to structure and wildland firefighting as well as emergency vehicle driving. The recruit academy begins in June and ends in August.
Scholarship Details
Resident students will receive a $1,500 scholarship per academic term for tuition and book fees at Central Oregon Community College in Bend or Redmond. Resident students are required to be enrolled in either the structure fire or paramedic program and take a minimum of 10 credit hours per academic term. Completion of the program takes an average of three years depending on prior college credit earned. Resident students will receive a $600 monthly reimbursement for meals and fuel. The district will provide a district vehicle for transportation back and forth to school during the days the resident student is on duty and all required uniforms.
Resident students are expected to live in district provided housing starting at the beginning of the recruit academy. The district provides resident students with private dorm rooms with personal storage and common living quarters. Facilities include a kitchen, dining area, day room with TV, bathrooms, gym facilities and training room.
Resident students will
Respond to emergency 9-1-1 calls
Work a 48 hour on / 96 hour off shift
Resident students will be excused from shift requirements to attend class.
Drive and operate emergency apparatus, including:
Wildland Apparatus
Structure Apparatus
Support Apparatus
Water Tenders
Receive training and certification in structural and wildland firefighting
Certification is provided through Oregon DPSST
Download Resident Application »
Please contact Training Captain Travis Bootes with any questions.
(541) 389-2345