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Cloverdale’s new bond-funded fire station is now operational.

After several months of construction by Griffin Construction of Prineville, the volunteers with Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District have moved their equipment into their new fire station building over the last few weeks. Construction costs came in under budget, leaving additional funds for station furnishings and equipment. The station is slated to be staffed with a quick-response/command vehicle, an engine, two brush trucks and two water tenders. The building contains an expanded classroom with modern audio/visual equipment, storage rooms, and a standby generator. The District is grateful to the voters of the community who provided this new facility. This completes the major purchases from the bond issued in 2014. The remaining purchases covered by the bond include replacement of the District's self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) bottles, which will reach their useful age limit in 2018. Also covered by the bond will be the purchase of radio equipment, which will be completed after the county 911 district completes its equipment upgrades, and remodeling for dormitory rooms at Station 601. Volunteers and the District are planning an open house to display the new building and equipment to the public, after Sisters Country thaws out a bit.

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